Thursday, November 22, 2007

"Hidden" Michael Haneke

Very strong film. Awarded in Cannes-2005 2 prize.

Probiraet ... no joke.

Incomplete makes again and again to return to it. Every scroll of times in the head one after the other scenes. As if this would change anything.

It was frightening. While no one screamed, virtually no blood and death. But it was something haunting presence in the film, from start to finish. Strong. A survey from afar, as if someone is watching main heroes. Simple dialogs. Mute-provoking scenes of the heroes of their house, the memories. The life of ordinary families. Happy family. Normal family. Breeze, feeling others' presence, and their organized by the, prosperous world gives cracks. And then another and another… But thinking nothing happens. Nothing is changing. The atmosphere, creepy, as Mint Jelly, lay unconscious at the same time keeps PREPARED not calm down until the last staff. And when the go-captions suddenly, unexpectedly, just sit and watch on the screen ... as bedeviled not can away. Your life has changed - it was associated with during the movie for two hours or so and it is not possible simply to click on the feet, and to extract drive their business. Vision and hearing, and the olfactory system haptic aids are gradually returning to you. Cinemas you go. Passes few minutes ... and only then do you feel that you can stand and commit the necessary action.

Yes. This film. This film currently. It is not separate from you-live together with you and the echoes blow your heart.